Can someone explains on Event/Update/Volume Trigger Node usage?


All this is in my videos. But events can be called from the UI and from other node sequences. On Update is called every frame. Overlap is "in the Volume trigger, enter is fired once when you enter the volume and leave is fired once when you exit the volume. The top slot is for the Player or what ever object is moving and the bottom is the volume trigger (most likely a cube).

Have you been trying these nodes out or looking up the code for them? I guess asking for clarification is fine but it seems you are just asking everyone about every node. Most of us ask question after we have tested it and gong through everything we can think of to learn. I guess this is what the forums are for but you will learn much faster by trying some of this out on your own. Also it seems by your questions that you have a coding background. Why not just code whatever you are trying to do. Adding what the node does with code won’t really help the artists and non programmers the visual scripting is really meant to help.


You can see how to use “on event” and also “send event” here. Not sure if you ever used BGE ,but it’s kinda like the message logic brick.

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Event is when some event occurs, a key down for example, or some message.
On Update is called each game frame.
On volume Trigger , overlap sends a signal each game frame as long as the physic volume overlap the second physic volume.


Why did you remove all ?