Installing from git

The final step of the installation instructions from git is missing:

It says

“In Blender, navigate to File - User Preferences... - Add-ons - Armory . Uncheck Bundled SDK and set path to the newly cloned armsdk folder.”

but not having installed Armory 3D at all, it’s not there. So how do I install it as a new add-on? I tried creating symlinks to armsdk and armsdk/armory under ~/.config/blender/2.79/scripts/addons/, but it still doesn’t show up in Add-Ons list.

Found about it here:

So the overall process appears to be:

git clone --recursive
cd armsdk
git submodule foreach --recursive git pull origin master

and then

  • In Blender, Select File - User Preferences… and navigate to Add-ons tab.
  • Click Install from File…
  • Select located in my_unpacked_sdk/Armory/armsdk/armory/blender/addon (on MacOS the location is my_unpacked_sdk/Armory/ ).
  • Enable Armory add-on.
  • Set SDK Path property to my_unpacked_sdk/Armory/armsdk .
  • Hit Save User Settings at the bottom and restart Blender. That’s it!

Here I have also posted some instructions on how you can enable Armory addon only using Blender’s Python API. This might be handy for people who wanna do almost everything through scripts like me :slight_smile: