Is it possible to add a splash screen to desktop/mobile c++ build?


So, I published armory_templates projects for Windows (C++) target and built them in x64 release mode. When I run each exe, a window opens up and for several seconds it shows blank white screen. I thought armory_examples/load_screen has some specific functionality to get around this issue. The web target build shows a custom loading indicator and a bunny but desktop native target build does not.
If this is not possible, it would be great to implement.

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I think this should be completely possible for the native targets as well. Maybe it was just assumed that it was only necessary for web, where it has to download assets over the network.

To implement this you would just need to override the default Armory generated Main.hx file, but there isn’t a way to do this at the moment. It is handled in the source code here, I haven’t found out exactly where the draw function is implemented, but that’s a start.

Anyway, you might be able to set your initial scene to one that’s purpose is a loading screen, and implement your own loading function as it starts the next scene. I think that that is the way you would do it for a production ready game.


Thank you for the suggestion
I thought about lightweight initial scene with a banner

#if arm_loadscreen (Loading Screen flag) is enabled by default and is not conjunct with platform-specific flag like js, for example, from which I conclude that load function was supposed to work everywhere