Kinematic body examples

Well the only thing I could think to do would be to add some other Rigid bodies to the scene to make sure that other objects work in the same scene ( and to force the physics module to enable and interact with stuff ).

Otherwise I’m kind of out of guesses. If you want to you could upload your project on GitHub and I might be able to look at it later. ( I can’t get to that other site because of network restrictions on my end. )

I added a few objects and set-up rigid body for them and they seem to work but the object with the Character trait still remains static and there is infinite tracing of onGround as true.

project files in a repo:

Strangely, I can’t get it to work now. I don’t know what’s up. :man_shrugging: I ran your example did some messing around with it, but I’m getting the same symptoms.