Android Export RigidBody Error

This is likely the same as Android studio export bug - #4 by timodriaan, please try what I proposed there and let me know if it works for you. I was still waiting for feedback in the other thread, but I will open a pull request later today for these changes so that it will be fixed in the next SDK release before we have to wait another month :slight_smile:

The reason the error cannot be reproduced with Visual Studio is that the malformed bullet.cpp is only causing warnings there, but not actual errors.

For some more background on this issue see the Discord discussion following this message.

Edit: opened a pull request for the changes: @golin1388 please try the solution I linked above (or wait for the next SDK release if my PR is merged) and let me know whether compilation is fixed for you, maybe there are even more Android compilation issues that need to be fixed (the error messages mention a few more things that may or may not be a consequence of the described issue).

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