Armory3d direction

Lately when I hear something new from Armory it’s always about top end Gear and solutions (like GI on gtx1060). So this engine is hitting the directions of somethings like “snowdrop engine”, like mostly meant for serious hardware and super-realistic games? Will it be effective for making something really stupid and simple, like Tower defense mobile game that runs on old gear (GLES 2-3)?

Even though there’s been focus on the Voxel GI part of the engine lately, I’d say it’s far from the sole area where developments have been made. In the examples github, there’s also several examples of smaller simple games, like the bowling games, endless-runners, maze games and dungeon crawlers, so games like tower defense games should definitely be possible, and also on older/mobile hardware (through the forward/mobile-low rendering path presumably).

As for the developments towards the simpler games, there’s also been developments in this area, such as the implementation of the tilesheet function, which allows for sprite-based games, and if there’s some specific stuff you would like to see in Armory, I’m sure Lubos would be all open ears :slight_smile: