Code that i made from nodes isn't compiling correctly

package arm.node;

@:keep class MoveWaves extends armory.logicnode.LogicTree {

	public function new() { super(); notifyOnAdd(add); }

	override public function add() {
		var _SetProperty = new armory.logicnode.SetPropertyNode(this);
		var _OnInit = new armory.logicnode.OnInitNode(this);
		_SetProperty.addInput(_OnInit, 0);
		_SetProperty.addInput(new armory.logicnode.ObjectNode(this, "Ocean"), 0);
		_SetProperty.addInput(new armory.logicnode.StringNode(this, "nodes["Group"].inputs[0].default_value"), 0);
		var _Time = new armory.logicnode.TimeNode(this);
		_Time.addOutputs([new armory.logicnode.FloatNode(this, 0.0)]);
		_SetProperty.addInput(_Time, 0);
		_SetProperty.addOutputs([new armory.logicnode.NullNode(this)]);

it’s specifically at line 13. as specified by the console.

C:\Users\Me\3D Objects\Sources/arm/node/MoveWaves.hx:13: characters 70-75 : Unexpected Group
C:\Users\Me\3D Objects\Sources/arm/node/MoveWaves.hx:13: characters 70-75 : Missing ;
C:\Users\Me\3D Objects\Sources/arm/node/MoveWaves.hx:13: characters 75-102 : Missing ;
C:\Users\Me\3D Objects\Sources/arm/node/MoveWaves.hx:13: characters 102-103 : Unexpected )

i’m also getting bombarded with

ERROR: Python context internal state bug. this should not happen!

i figured out the issue and a workaround. i just need to replace the double quotes with single quotes when pasting the property data path into the set property node’s field.