Kode/Kha --> Type not found : Uint8Array

When I run Haxe --version I get 4.1.4

I am also not sure what I am supposed to do to now…?
How do I set Haxe to the included version? Globally? In Kode? Somewhere else?
Do I need to do that at all?

I have to admit I am starting to get pretty confused with all the various versions of haxe/armSDK/krom/kinc — what works here — what doesn’t work there — and so on… :slight_smile:

Is that the version of Haxe from the folder I mentioned above or just if you type it in the terminal (using the globally installed Haxe version if there is any)? Also, do you use Blender to compile the game or VSCode? VSCode also has a Haxe path setting if I remember correctly but that shouldn’t do anything Kha-related.

If there still is this bug with using a clean, isolated Armory SDK either with all submodules checked out to the correct commit or using the one from itch.io. you should open a bug report on GitHub so that Lubos knows about that and can update some submodules if required. I unfortunately can’t reproduce that issue :frowning:

Is that the version of Haxe from the folder I mentioned above or just if you type it in the terminal (using the globally installed Haxe version if there is any)

No I just typed it into the terminal.(So globally installed Haxe)
I compile with Blender. So it should use the Haxe version in the SDK folder anyways, right?

Bottomline, I can’t get any new download of the armorySDK running without errors or without working at all… doesn’t matter if I use the one from git or itch.io.

So for now I am just using the older one that works for me. I totally need a break from this and do something else for a day or two. This was really really exhausting…

Maybe there will be a new build in a couple of days or so, then I will try again and see what happens.

I think it is unlikely to be a problem on the part of the engine, because in the last few days I have changed my distro countless times and have no problem on any of them (using AMD hardware). I don’t know what your is your OS, but i believe it is a problem related to your version of Blender or something installed incorrectly.

Please, if you can, send the error you got with new versions of Armory :slight_smile:

“unlikely part of the engine” — Well I don’t see it that way.

I have 3 Blender installations running in parallel 2.82, 2.83
(and 2.90, which I don’t use with armory, but I tested it briefly and
I was surprised that it seems to work…) - OSX 10.14.6 - Mac Pro

And as I already said a couple of times already: the old armSDK from around beginning of September (my download date at the time) works.
But doesn’t in Kode. Compiles with errors in blender, but at least compiles.
Also with this one, no problems compiling to Android by the way.

If there would be a problem with my Blender installation
that wouldn’t be the case, right?

Also it seems that a lot of moving parts changed in the last couple of days/weeks: With the Kinc/Kha side of thing as well as with the latest armorySDK.

Some stuff officially completely broke as recently as several days ago. (i.e. Kore sources are no longer included by default in Kinc) Lubos even joined in on Github about some things and already took action. (Rob merged PR Fix HL compile by luboslenco · Pull Request #1251 · Kode/Kha · GitHub from Lubos already yesterday which should take care of this: Project build error in Android Studio · Issue #1899 · armory3d/armory · GitHub

I will do a full git submodule update --init --recursive --remote
later today or tomorrow and see where I am at.

Until then I am pretty sure that my Blender installation
and system are fine, thank you very much… :wink:


(Besides all the problems and shooting in the dark all the time
it’s still quite fun working with Armory. Which says a lot about it. )

FYI: Lubos 17 min ago. →

HL compile fixed via Kode/Kha#1251, and Krom crashes should also be resolved now via Kode/Kinc#560. I have also updated GitHub - armory3d/armsdk: Single-clone Armory SDK to point to the latest Kha, Kinc and Krom.

— This looks good, I will go at it again later for sure. —

SDK 2020.10. is out, maybe it now works for you :slight_smile:

Here are your errors:

1) compiling to Html5 from Kode:
compiles with no errors, gives a blank window when running (local offline/ server online tested)

2) compiling to MacOSX from Kode:

Using Kha (10614c5e) from /Volumes/HDD2/Luetze/armoryGIT/armsdk/Kha
Creating Kha project.
Exporting asset 1 of 1 (ammo.wasm.js).
Exporting asset 1 of 1 (ammo.wasm.wasm).
Exporting asset 1 of 10 (Scene.arm).
Exporting asset 2 of 10 (Arm_irradiance.arm).
Exporting asset 3 of 10 (mesh_Cube.002.arm).
Exporting asset 4 of 10 (mesh_Cube.003.arm).
Exporting asset 5 of 10 (mesh_Cube.004.arm).
Exporting asset 6 of 10 (mesh_Cube.arm).
Exporting asset 7 of 10 (mesh_Cylinder.arm).
Exporting asset 8 of 10 (mesh_Icosphere.arm).
Exporting asset 9 of 10 (mesh_Plane.001.arm).
Exporting asset 10 of 10 (mesh_Plane.arm).
Exporting asset 1 of 6 (World_Arm_data.arm).
Exporting asset 2 of 6 (backgroundFloor_data.arm).
Exporting asset 3 of 6 (coin_data.arm).
Exporting asset 4 of 6 (floor_data.arm).
Exporting asset 5 of 6 (shader_datas.arm).
Exporting asset 6 of 6 (sphereMat_data.arm).
Exporting asset 1 of 1 (brdf.png).
Exporting asset 1 of 1 (smaa_area.png).
Exporting asset 1 of 1 (smaa_search.png).
Compiling shader 1 of 26 (World_Arm.frag.glsl).
Compiling shader 2 of 26 (World_Arm.vert.glsl).
Compiling shader 3 of 26 (backgroundFloor_mesh.frag.glsl).
Compiling shader 4 of 26 (backgroundFloor_mesh.vert.glsl).
Compiling shader 5 of 26 (backgroundFloor_shadowmap.frag.glsl).
Compiling shader 6 of 26 (backgroundFloor_shadowmap.vert.glsl).
Compiling shader 7 of 26 (blur_edge_pass.frag.glsl).
Compiling shader 8 of 26 (coin_mesh.frag.glsl).
Compiling shader 9 of 26 (coin_mesh.vert.glsl).
Compiling shader 10 of 26 (compositor_pass.frag.glsl).
Compiling shader 11 of 26 (compositor_pass.vert.glsl).
Compiling shader 12 of 26 (deferred_light.frag.glsl).
Compiling shader 13 of 26 (floor_mesh.frag.glsl).
Compiling shader 14 of 26 (floor_mesh.vert.glsl).
Compiling shader 15 of 26 (motion_blur_veloc_pass.frag.glsl).
Compiling shader 16 of 26 (pass.vert.glsl).
Compiling shader 17 of 26 (pass_copy.frag.glsl).
Compiling shader 18 of 26 (pass_viewray.vert.glsl).
Compiling shader 19 of 26 (smaa_blend_weight.frag.glsl).
Compiling shader 20 of 26 (smaa_blend_weight.vert.glsl).
Compiling shader 21 of 26 (smaa_edge_detect.frag.glsl).
Compiling shader 22 of 26 (smaa_edge_detect.vert.glsl).
Compiling shader 23 of 26 (smaa_neighborhood_blend.frag.glsl).
Compiling shader 24 of 26 (smaa_neighborhood_blend.vert.glsl).
Compiling shader 25 of 26 (sphereMat_mesh.frag.glsl).
Compiling shader 26 of 26 (ssao_pass.frag.glsl).
Compiling shader 1 of 8 (painter-colored.frag.glsl).
Compiling shader 2 of 8 (painter-colored.vert.glsl).
Compiling shader 3 of 8 (painter-image.frag.glsl).
Compiling shader 4 of 8 (painter-image.vert.glsl).
Compiling shader 5 of 8 (painter-text.frag.glsl).
Compiling shader 6 of 8 (painter-text.vert.glsl).
Compiling shader 7 of 8 (painter-video.frag.glsl).
Compiling shader 8 of 8 (painter-video.vert.glsl).
/Volumes/HDD2/Luetze/armoryGIT/armsdk/armory/Sources/armory/trait/physics/bullet/RigidBody.hx:180: characters 19-36 : bullet.GImpactMeshShape has no field registerAlgorithm
/Volumes/HDD2/Luetze/armoryGIT/armsdk/armory/Sources/armory/trait/physics/bullet/PhysicsWorld.hx:162: characters 33-43 : Too many arguments
/Volumes/HDD2/Luetze/armoryGIT/armsdk/armory/Sources/armory/trait/physics/bullet/RigidBody.hx:559: characters 15-21 : bullet.MotionState has no field delete
/Volumes/HDD2/Luetze/armoryGIT/armsdk/armory/Sources/armory/trait/physics/bullet/RigidBody.hx:560: characters 8-14 : bullet.RigidBody has no field delete

/Volumes/HDD2/Luetze/armoryGIT/armsdk/armory/Sources/armory/trait/physics/bullet/RigidBody.hx:596: characters 11-17 : bullet.CollisionShape has no field delete
/Volumes/HDD2/Luetze/armoryGIT/armsdk/armory/Sources/armory/trait/physics/bullet/RigidBody.hx:583: characters 21-27 : bullet.TriangleMesh has no field delete
/Volumes/HDD2/Luetze/armoryGIT/armsdk/armory/Sources/armory/trait/physics/bullet/RigidBody.hx:294: characters 10-16 : bullet.RigidBodyConstructionInfo has no field delete
/Volumes/HDD2/Luetze/armoryGIT/armsdk/armory/Sources/armory/trait/physics/bullet/PhysicsWorld.hx:300: characters 15-33 : bullet.ManifoldPoint has no field m_positionWorldOnA (Suggestions: get_m_positionWorldOnA, get_m_positionWorldOnB)
/Volumes/HDD2/Luetze/armoryGIT/armsdk/armory/Sources/armory/trait/physics/bullet/PhysicsWorld.hx:301: characters 15-33 : bullet.ManifoldPoint has no field m_positionWorldOnB (Suggestions: get_m_positionWorldOnB, get_m_positionWorldOnA)
/Volumes/HDD2/Luetze/armoryGIT/armsdk/armory/Sources/armory/trait/physics/bullet/PhysicsWorld.hx:302: characters 14-30 : bullet.ManifoldPoint has no field m_normalWorldOnB (Suggestion: get_m_normalWorldOnB)
/Volumes/HDD2/Luetze/armoryGIT/armsdk/armory/Sources/armory/trait/physics/bullet/PhysicsWorld.hx:336: characters 15-37 : bullet.ClosestRayResultCallback has no field m_collisionFilterGroup (Suggestions: set_m_collisionFilterGroup, get_m_collisionFilterGroup)
/Volumes/HDD2/Luetze/armoryGIT/armsdk/armory/Sources/armory/trait/physics/bullet/PhysicsWorld.hx:337: characters 15-36 : bullet.ClosestRayResultCallback has no field m_collisionFilterMask (Suggestions: set_m_collisionFilterMask, get_m_collisionFilterMask)
/Volumes/HDD2/Luetze/armoryGIT/armsdk/armory/Sources/armory/trait/physics/bullet/PhysicsWorld.hx:357: characters 26-41 : bullet.ClosestRayResultCallback has no field m_hitPointWorld (Suggestion: get_m_hitPointWorld)
/Volumes/HDD2/Luetze/armoryGIT/armsdk/armory/Sources/armory/trait/physics/bullet/PhysicsWorld.hx:359: characters 27-43 : bullet.ClosestRayResultCallback has no field m_hitNormalWorld (Suggestion: get_m_hitNormalWorld)
/Volumes/HDD2/Luetze/armoryGIT/armsdk/armory/Sources/armory/trait/physics/bullet/PhysicsWorld.hx:361: characters 31-48 : bullet.ClosestRayResultCallback has no field m_collisionObject (Suggestion: get_m_collisionObject)
/Volumes/HDD2/Luetze/armoryGIT/armsdk/armory/Sources/armory/trait/physics/bullet/PhysicsWorld.hx:369: characters 15-21 : bullet.ClosestRayResultCallback has no field delete

Haxe compiler error.
The terminal process terminated with exit code: 1

3) compiling to Android from Kode (native and non-native):

Creating Kha project.
Exporting asset 1 of 1 (ammo.wasm.js).
Exporting asset 1 of 1 (ammo.wasm.wasm).
Exporting asset 1 of 10 (Scene.arm).
Exporting asset 2 of 10 (Arm_irradiance.arm).
Exporting asset 3 of 10 (mesh_Cube.002.arm).
Exporting asset 4 of 10 (mesh_Cube.003.arm).
Exporting asset 5 of 10 (mesh_Cube.004.arm).
Exporting asset 6 of 10 (mesh_Cube.arm).
Exporting asset 7 of 10 (mesh_Cylinder.arm).
Exporting asset 8 of 10 (mesh_Icosphere.arm).
Exporting asset 9 of 10 (mesh_Plane.001.arm).
Exporting asset 10 of 10 (mesh_Plane.arm).
Exporting asset 1 of 6 (World_Arm_data.arm).
Exporting asset 2 of 6 (backgroundFloor_data.arm).
Exporting asset 3 of 6 (coin_data.arm).
Exporting asset 4 of 6 (floor_data.arm).
Exporting asset 5 of 6 (shader_datas.arm).
Exporting asset 6 of 6 (sphereMat_data.arm).
Exporting asset 1 of 1 (brdf.png).
Exporting asset 1 of 1 (smaa_area.png).
Exporting asset 1 of 1 (smaa_search.png).
Compiling shader 1 of 26 (World_Arm.frag.glsl).
Compiling shader 2 of 26 (World_Arm.vert.glsl).
Compiling shader 3 of 26 (backgroundFloor_mesh.frag.glsl).
Error compiling to GLSL ES 100: Unsigned integers are not supported on legacy targets.
Error compiling to GLSL ES 100: Unsigned integers are not supported on legacy targets.

Compiling shader 3 of 26 (backgroundFloor_mesh.frag.glsl) failed:
Shader compiler error.
The terminal process terminated with exit code: 1

Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.

4) Blender --> F5 —> fails with error:
Could not load krom.js, aborting.

5) Publishing from Blender to OSX Krom:
compiles with no errors, but can’t open the app after that.

6) Android Studio, after publishing from Blender to Android/c:

compiled, and APK runs on Android Tablet (???!??)**
(This is the only build that runs… This was the one I absolutely
expected to fail. Now someone explains that to me please…)

7) XCode, after publishing from Blender to Mac/c:

build fails at:

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_is_debugger_attached", referenced from:
      _hl_detect_debugger in error-ac74e4a7cf5424e339731af54487cc2cb57153815605f5122ee9b709e9519042.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

So that’s with both KODE and armorySDK in Blender pointing to the same armorySDK
that I just pulled today recursive from git…

I’ll now try the 2020.10 official one but I will not report again if the errors are the same.
Only if they are different or if it works. If not, then not. Then I will once again use the old SDK.
Which spits errors are over the place, but compiles and runs/works. Like I said.
The old SDK did fail at MacOSX/C Xcode, but this is the only one
AFAIK that didn’t work. I could go F5 in blender, build and run OSX Krom, html5 and Android. That’s really good in contrast to this mess here. Here, basically nothing works,
despite Android, what is a mystery to me…:smiley:

So now I checked the latest SDK… Different errors…of course…:wink:
(I also did a clone of the single-clone repo just a couple of minutes ago…same thing)

These errors are more or less the same with the examples and my own projects.
They do run but look completely broken, graphics are glitched out…
Sometimes there is just only a black screen…

This is quite a long one:
(At least “Couldn’t find krom.js, aborting” is gone now, lol…)

__________  [Armory] Compiling  __________
Exporting Scene
Scene exported in 0.001767873764038086
Exporting Scene.001
Warning: No camera found in active scene layers
Scene exported in 0.016785860061645508
Finished in 0.8271791934967041
Warning: 1 warnings occurred during compilation
deviceBufferSize = 4096

mSampleRate = 44100

mFormatFlags = 00000009

mBytesPerPacket = 8

mFramesPerPacket = 1

mChannelsPerFrame = 2

mBytesPerFrame = 8

mBitsPerChannel = 32

GLSL compiler error: ERROR: 0:6: Unknown identifier 'binding' in layout
ERROR: 0:14: Use of undeclared identifier 'tex'
ERROR: 0:15: Use of undeclared identifier 'texcolor'
ERROR: 0:16: Use of undeclared identifier 'texcolor'
ERROR: 0:16: Use of undeclared identifier '_32'
ERROR: 0:16: Use of undeclared identifier '_32'
ERROR: 0:16: Use of undeclared identifier '_32'
ERROR: 0:16: Use of undeclared identifier 'texcolor'
ERROR: 0:17: Use of undeclared identifier 'texcolor'

GLSL linker error: ERROR: One or more attached shaders not successfully compiled

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 392

Uniform projectionMatrix not found.
GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 410

GLSL compiler error: ERROR: 0:6: Unknown identifier 'binding' in layout
ERROR: 0:14: Use of undeclared identifier 'tex'

GLSL linker error: ERROR: One or more attached shaders not successfully compiled

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 392

Uniform projectionMatrix not found.
GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 410

GLSL compiler error: ERROR: 0:6: Unknown identifier 'binding' in layout
ERROR: 0:14: Use of undeclared identifier 'tex'
ERROR: 0:15: Use of undeclared identifier 'texcolor'
ERROR: 0:16: Use of undeclared identifier 'texcolor'
ERROR: 0:16: Use of undeclared identifier '_32'
ERROR: 0:16: Use of undeclared identifier '_32'
ERROR: 0:16: Use of undeclared identifier '_32'
ERROR: 0:16: Use of undeclared identifier 'texcolor'
ERROR: 0:17: Use of undeclared identifier 'texcolor'

GLSL linker error: ERROR: One or more attached shaders not successfully compiled

GLSL compiler error: ERROR: 0:6: Unknown identifier 'binding' in layout
ERROR: 0:8: Unknown identifier 'binding' in layout
ERROR: 0:9: Unknown identifier 'binding' in layout
ERROR: 0:10: Unknown identifier 'binding' in layout
ERROR: 0:16: Unknown identifier 'binding' in layout
ERROR: 0:156: Use of undeclared identifier 'shadowMapPoint'
ERROR: 0:157: Use of undeclared identifier '_456'
ERROR: 0:164: Use of undeclared identifier 'gbuffer0'
ERROR: 0:166: Use of undeclared identifier 'g0'
ERROR: 0:166: Use of undeclared identifier 'g0'
ERROR: 0:170: Use of undeclared identifier 'g0'
ERROR: 0:174: Use of undeclared identifier 'g0'
ERROR: 0:178: Use of undeclared identifier 'g0'
ERROR: 0:181: Use of undeclared identifier 'g0'
ERROR: 0:184: Use of undeclared identifier 'gbuffer1'
ERROR: 0:185: Use of undeclared identifier 'g1'
ERROR: 0:186: Use of undeclared identifier 'g1'
ERROR: 0:187: Use of undeclared identifier 'g1'
ERROR: 0:188: Use of undeclared identifier 'gbufferD'
ERROR: 0:189: Use of undeclared identifier 'depth'
ERROR: 0:190: Use of undeclared identifier 'p'
ERROR: 0:191: Use of undeclared identifier 'v'
ERROR: 0:193: Use of undeclared identifier 'albedo'
ERROR: 0:194: Use of undeclared identifier 'occspec'
ERROR: 0:196: Use of undeclared identifier 'ssaotex'
ERROR: 0:197: Use of undeclared identifier '_717'
ERROR: 0:197: Use of undeclared identifier '_717'
ERROR: 0:197: Use of undeclared identifier '_717'
ERROR: 0:201: Use of undeclared identifier 'p'
ERROR: 0:201: Use of undeclared identifier 'v'
ERROR: 0:201: Use of undeclared identifier 'dotNV'
ERROR: 0:201: Use of undeclared identifier 'albedo'
ERROR: 0:201: Use of undeclared identifier 'roughness'
ERROR: 0:201: Use of undeclared identifier 'occspec'
ERROR: 0:201: Use of undeclared identifier 'f0'
ERROR: 0:202: Use of undeclared identifier '_742'
ERROR: 0:202: Use of undeclared identifier '_742'
ERROR: 0:202: Use of undeclared identifier '_742'

GLSL linker error: ERROR: One or more attached shaders not successfully compiled

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 392

Uniform invVP not found.
GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 392

Uniform eye not found.
GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 392

Uniform envmapStrength not found.
GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 392

Uniform shirr not found.
GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 392

Uniform cameraProj not found.
GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 392

Uniform eyeLook not found.
GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 392

Uniform lightProj not found.
GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 392

Uniform pointPos not found.
GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 392

Uniform pointCol not found.
GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 392

Uniform pointBias not found.
GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 410

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 410

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 410

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 410

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 410

GLSL compiler error: ERROR: 0:6: Unknown identifier 'binding' in layout
ERROR: 0:7: Unknown identifier 'binding' in layout
ERROR: 0:44: Use of undeclared identifier 'gbufferD'
ERROR: 0:45: Use of undeclared identifier 'depth'
ERROR: 0:50: Use of undeclared identifier 'gbuffer0'
ERROR: 0:52: Use of undeclared identifier 'enc'
ERROR: 0:52: Use of undeclared identifier 'enc'
ERROR: 0:56: Use of undeclared identifier 'enc'
ERROR: 0:60: Use of undeclared identifier 'enc'
ERROR: 0:65: Use of undeclared identifier 'depth'
ERROR: 0:66: Use of undeclared identifier 'currentPos'
ERROR: 0:67: Use of undeclared identifier 'currentDistance'
ERROR: 0:68: Use of undeclared identifier 'currentDistance'
ERROR: 0:75: Use of undeclared identifier 'currentDistanceA'
ERROR: 0:76: Use of undeclared identifier 'depth'
ERROR: 0:76: Use of undeclared identifier 'gbufferD'
ERROR: 0:76: Use of undeclared identifier 'k'
ERROR: 0:77: Use of undeclared identifier 'depth'
ERROR: 0:77: Use of undeclared identifier 'k'
ERROR: 0:77: Use of undeclared identifier 'currentPos'
ERROR: 0:78: Use of undeclared identifier 'pos'
ERROR: 0:78: Use of undeclared identifier 'currentDistanceB'
ERROR: 0:78: Use of undeclared identifier 'pos'
ERROR: 0:78: Use of undeclared identifier 'pos'

GLSL linker error: ERROR: One or more attached shaders not successfully compiled

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 392

Uniform invVP not found.
GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 392

Uniform eye not found.
GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 392

Uniform cameraProj not found.
GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 392

Uniform eyeLook not found.
GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 392

Uniform screenSize not found.
GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 392

Uniform PPComp11 not found.
GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 392

Uniform PPComp12 not found.
GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 410

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 410

GLSL compiler error: ERROR: 0:8: Unknown identifier 'binding' in layout
ERROR: 0:9: Unknown identifier 'binding' in layout
ERROR: 0:40: Use of undeclared identifier 'gbuffer0'
ERROR: 0:41: Use of undeclared identifier 'tex'
ERROR: 0:46: Use of undeclared identifier 'gbuffer0'
ERROR: 0:47: Use of undeclared identifier 'nor2'
ERROR: 0:47: Use of undeclared identifier 'nor'
ERROR: 0:48: Use of undeclared identifier 'tex'
ERROR: 0:49: Use of undeclared identifier 'influenceFactor'
ERROR: 0:50: Use of undeclared identifier 'col'
ERROR: 0:50: Use of undeclared identifier 'w'
ERROR: 0:51: Use of undeclared identifier 'w'
ERROR: 0:52: Use of undeclared identifier 'nor2'
ERROR: 0:52: Use of undeclared identifier 'gbuffer0'
ERROR: 0:53: Use of undeclared identifier 'influenceFactor'
ERROR: 0:53: Use of undeclared identifier 'nor2'
ERROR: 0:53: Use of undeclared identifier 'nor'
ERROR: 0:54: Use of undeclared identifier 'col'
ERROR: 0:54: Use of undeclared identifier 'tex'
ERROR: 0:55: Use of undeclared identifier 'w'
ERROR: 0:55: Use of undeclared identifier 'influenceFactor'
ERROR: 0:56: Use of undeclared identifier 'col'
ERROR: 0:56: Use of undeclared identifier 'w'
ERROR: 0:57: Use of undeclared identifier 'w'

GLSL linker error: ERROR: One or more attached shaders not successfully compiled

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 392

Uniform dirInv not found.
GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 410

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 410

GLSL compiler error: ERROR: 0:8: Unknown identifier 'binding' in layout
ERROR: 0:9: Unknown identifier 'binding' in layout
ERROR: 0:40: Use of undeclared identifier 'gbuffer0'
ERROR: 0:41: Use of undeclared identifier 'tex'
ERROR: 0:46: Use of undeclared identifier 'gbuffer0'
ERROR: 0:47: Use of undeclared identifier 'nor2'
ERROR: 0:47: Use of undeclared identifier 'nor'
ERROR: 0:48: Use of undeclared identifier 'tex'
ERROR: 0:49: Use of undeclared identifier 'influenceFactor'
ERROR: 0:50: Use of undeclared identifier 'col'
ERROR: 0:50: Use of undeclared identifier 'w'
ERROR: 0:51: Use of undeclared identifier 'w'
ERROR: 0:52: Use of undeclared identifier 'nor2'
ERROR: 0:52: Use of undeclared identifier 'gbuffer0'
ERROR: 0:53: Use of undeclared identifier 'influenceFactor'
ERROR: 0:53: Use of undeclared identifier 'nor2'
ERROR: 0:53: Use of undeclared identifier 'nor'
ERROR: 0:54: Use of undeclared identifier 'col'
ERROR: 0:54: Use of undeclared identifier 'tex'
ERROR: 0:55: Use of undeclared identifier 'w'
ERROR: 0:55: Use of undeclared identifier 'influenceFactor'
ERROR: 0:56: Use of undeclared identifier 'col'
ERROR: 0:56: Use of undeclared identifier 'w'
ERROR: 0:57: Use of undeclared identifier 'w'

GLSL linker error: ERROR: One or more attached shaders not successfully compiled

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 392

Uniform dirInv not found.
GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 410

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 410

GLSL compiler error: ERROR: 0:8: Unknown identifier 'binding' in layout
ERROR: 0:9: Unknown identifier 'binding' in layout
ERROR: 0:40: Use of undeclared identifier 'gbuffer0'
ERROR: 0:41: Use of undeclared identifier 'tex'
ERROR: 0:46: Use of undeclared identifier 'gbuffer0'
ERROR: 0:47: Use of undeclared identifier 'nor2'
ERROR: 0:47: Use of undeclared identifier 'nor'
ERROR: 0:48: Use of undeclared identifier 'tex'
ERROR: 0:49: Use of undeclared identifier 'influenceFactor'
ERROR: 0:50: Use of undeclared identifier 'col'
ERROR: 0:50: Use of undeclared identifier 'w'
ERROR: 0:51: Use of undeclared identifier 'w'
ERROR: 0:52: Use of undeclared identifier 'nor2'
ERROR: 0:52: Use of undeclared identifier 'gbuffer0'
ERROR: 0:53: Use of undeclared identifier 'influenceFactor'
ERROR: 0:53: Use of undeclared identifier 'nor2'
ERROR: 0:53: Use of undeclared identifier 'nor'
ERROR: 0:54: Use of undeclared identifier 'col'
ERROR: 0:54: Use of undeclared identifier 'tex'
ERROR: 0:55: Use of undeclared identifier 'w'
ERROR: 0:55: Use of undeclared identifier 'influenceFactor'
ERROR: 0:56: Use of undeclared identifier 'col'
ERROR: 0:56: Use of undeclared identifier 'w'
ERROR: 0:57: Use of undeclared identifier 'w'

GLSL linker error: ERROR: One or more attached shaders not successfully compiled

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 392

Uniform dirInv not found.
GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 410

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 410

GLSL compiler error: ERROR: 0:8: Unknown identifier 'binding' in layout
ERROR: 0:9: Unknown identifier 'binding' in layout
ERROR: 0:40: Use of undeclared identifier 'gbuffer0'
ERROR: 0:41: Use of undeclared identifier 'tex'
ERROR: 0:46: Use of undeclared identifier 'gbuffer0'
ERROR: 0:47: Use of undeclared identifier 'nor2'
ERROR: 0:47: Use of undeclared identifier 'nor'
ERROR: 0:48: Use of undeclared identifier 'tex'
ERROR: 0:49: Use of undeclared identifier 'influenceFactor'
ERROR: 0:50: Use of undeclared identifier 'col'
ERROR: 0:50: Use of undeclared identifier 'w'
ERROR: 0:51: Use of undeclared identifier 'w'
ERROR: 0:52: Use of undeclared identifier 'nor2'
ERROR: 0:52: Use of undeclared identifier 'gbuffer0'
ERROR: 0:53: Use of undeclared identifier 'influenceFactor'
ERROR: 0:53: Use of undeclared identifier 'nor2'
ERROR: 0:53: Use of undeclared identifier 'nor'
ERROR: 0:54: Use of undeclared identifier 'col'
ERROR: 0:54: Use of undeclared identifier 'tex'
ERROR: 0:55: Use of undeclared identifier 'w'
ERROR: 0:55: Use of undeclared identifier 'influenceFactor'
ERROR: 0:56: Use of undeclared identifier 'col'
ERROR: 0:56: Use of undeclared identifier 'w'
ERROR: 0:57: Use of undeclared identifier 'w'

GLSL linker error: ERROR: One or more attached shaders not successfully compiled

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 392

Uniform dirInv not found.
GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 410

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 410

GLSL compiler error: ERROR: 0:6: Unknown identifier 'binding' in layout
ERROR: 0:20: Use of undeclared identifier 'tex'

GLSL linker error: ERROR: One or more attached shaders not successfully compiled

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 410

GLSL compiler error: ERROR: 0:6: Unknown identifier 'binding' in layout
ERROR: 0:17: Use of undeclared identifier 'colorTex'
ERROR: 0:18: Use of undeclared identifier 'colorTex'
ERROR: 0:19: Use of undeclared identifier 'C'
ERROR: 0:19: Use of undeclared identifier 'Cleft'
ERROR: 0:21: Use of undeclared identifier 't'
ERROR: 0:21: Use of undeclared identifier 't'
ERROR: 0:21: Use of undeclared identifier 't'
ERROR: 0:22: Use of undeclared identifier 'colorTex'
ERROR: 0:23: Use of undeclared identifier 't'
ERROR: 0:23: Use of undeclared identifier 'C'
ERROR: 0:23: Use of undeclared identifier 'Ctop'
ERROR: 0:24: Use of undeclared identifier 't'
ERROR: 0:24: Use of undeclared identifier 't'
ERROR: 0:24: Use of undeclared identifier 't'
ERROR: 0:30: Use of undeclared identifier 'colorTex'
ERROR: 0:31: Use of undeclared identifier 't'
ERROR: 0:31: Use of undeclared identifier 'C'
ERROR: 0:31: Use of undeclared identifier 'Cright'
ERROR: 0:32: Use of undeclared identifier 't'
ERROR: 0:32: Use of undeclared identifier 't'
ERROR: 0:32: Use of undeclared identifier 't'
ERROR: 0:33: Use of undeclared identifier 'colorTex'
ERROR: 0:34: Use of undeclared identifier 't'
ERROR: 0:34: Use of undeclared identifier 'C'
ERROR: 0:34: Use of undeclared identifier 'Cbottom'
ERROR: 0:35: Use of undeclared identifier 't'
ERROR: 0:35: Use of undeclared identifier 't'
ERROR: 0:35: Use of undeclared identifier 't'
ERROR: 0:37: Use of undeclared identifier 'colorTex'
ERROR: 0:38: Use of undeclared identifier 't'
ERROR: 0:38: Use of undeclared identifier 'C'
ERROR: 0:38: Use of undeclared identifier 'Cleftleft'
ERROR: 0:39: Use of undeclared identifier 't'
ERROR: 0:39: Use of undeclared identifier 't'
ERROR: 0:39: Use of undeclared identifier 't'
ERROR: 0:40: Use of undeclared identifier 'colorTex'
ERROR: 0:41: Use of undeclared identifier 't'
ERROR: 0:41: Use of undeclared identifier 'C'
ERROR: 0:41: Use of undeclared identifier 'Ctoptop'
ERROR: 0:42: Use of undeclared identifier 't'
ERROR: 0:42: Use of undeclared identifier 't'
ERROR: 0:42: Use of undeclared identifier 't'

GLSL linker error: ERROR: One or more attached shaders not successfully compiled

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 392

Uniform screenSizeInv not found.
GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 410

GLSL compiler error: ERROR: 0:7: Unknown identifier 'binding' in layout
ERROR: 0:8: Unknown identifier 'binding' in layout
ERROR: 0:9: Unknown identifier 'binding' in layout
ERROR: 0:36: Use of undeclared identifier 'edgesTex'
ERROR: 0:56: Use of undeclared identifier 'areaTex'
ERROR: 0:77: Use of undeclared identifier 'edgesTex'
ERROR: 0:113: Use of undeclared identifier 'edgesTex'
ERROR: 0:115: Use of undeclared identifier '_374'
ERROR: 0:115: Use of undeclared identifier '_374'
ERROR: 0:118: Use of undeclared identifier 'edgesTex'
ERROR: 0:119: Use of undeclared identifier '_386'
ERROR: 0:119: Use of undeclared identifier '_386'
ERROR: 0:145: Use of undeclared identifier 'edgesTex'
ERROR: 0:164: Use of undeclared identifier 'edgesTex'
ERROR: 0:167: Use of undeclared identifier 'edgesTex'
ERROR: 0:170: Use of undeclared identifier 'edgesTex'
ERROR: 0:171: Use of undeclared identifier '_525'
ERROR: 0:171: Use of undeclared identifier '_525'
ERROR: 0:200: Use of undeclared identifier 'searchTex'
ERROR: 0:231: Use of undeclared identifier 'edgesTex'
ERROR: 0:274: Use of undeclared identifier 'edgesTex'
ERROR: 0:294: Use of undeclared identifier 'areaTex'
ERROR: 0:305: Use of undeclared identifier 'edgesTex'
ERROR: 0:308: Use of undeclared identifier 'edgesTex'
ERROR: 0:311: Use of undeclared identifier 'edgesTex'
ERROR: 0:314: Use of undeclared identifier 'edgesTex'
ERROR: 0:347: Use of undeclared identifier 'edgesTex'
ERROR: 0:390: Use of undeclared identifier 'edgesTex'
ERROR: 0:413: Use of undeclared identifier 'edgesTex'
ERROR: 0:416: Use of undeclared identifier 'edgesTex'
ERROR: 0:419: Use of undeclared identifier 'edgesTex'
ERROR: 0:422: Use of undeclared identifier 'edgesTex'
ERROR: 0:432: Use of undeclared identifier 'edgesTex'
ERROR: 0:433: Use of undeclared identifier 'e'
ERROR: 0:436: Use of undeclared identifier 'e'
ERROR: 0:438: Use of undeclared identifier 'param_3'
ERROR: 0:439: Use of undeclared identifier '_1039'
ERROR: 0:439: Use of undeclared identifier '_1039'
ERROR: 0:452: Use of undeclared identifier 'edgesTex'
ERROR: 0:462: Use of undeclared identifier 'edgesTex'
ERROR: 0:464: Use of undeclared identifier 'e1'
ERROR: 0:465: Use of undeclared identifier 'e2'
ERROR: 0:467: Use of undeclared identifier 'param_14'
ERROR: 0:467: Use of undeclared identifier 'param_15'
ERROR: 0:468: Use of undeclared identifier '_1124'
ERROR: 0:468: Use of undeclared identifier '_1124'
ERROR: 0:478: Use of undeclared identifier 'e'
ERROR: 0:481: Use of undeclared identifier 'e'
ERROR: 0:493: Use of undeclared identifier 'edgesTex'
ERROR: 0:503: Use of undeclared identifier 'edgesTex'
ERROR: 0:505: Use of undeclared identifier 'e1_1'
ERROR: 0:506: Use of undeclared identifier 'e2_1'
ERROR: 0:508: Use of undeclared identifier 'param_29'
ERROR: 0:508: Use of undeclared identifier 'param_30'
ERROR: 0:509: Use of undeclared identifier '_1216'
ERROR: 0:509: Use of undeclared identifier '_1216'

GLSL linker error: ERROR: One or more attached shaders not successfully compiled

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 392

Uniform screenSize not found.
GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 392

Uniform screenSizeInv not found.
GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 410

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 410

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 410

GLSL compiler error: ERROR: 0:6: Unknown identifier 'binding' in layout
ERROR: 0:7: Unknown identifier 'binding' in layout
ERROR: 0:22: Use of undeclared identifier 'blendTex'
ERROR: 0:23: Use of undeclared identifier 'blendTex'
ERROR: 0:24: Use of undeclared identifier 'blendTex'
ERROR: 0:25: Use of undeclared identifier '_54'
ERROR: 0:25: Use of undeclared identifier '_54'
ERROR: 0:28: Use of undeclared identifier 'colorTex'
ERROR: 0:29: Use of undeclared identifier 'color'
ERROR: 0:50: Use of undeclared identifier 'colorTex'
ERROR: 0:53: Use of undeclared identifier 'color_1'
ERROR: 0:53: Use of undeclared identifier 'colorTex'
ERROR: 0:54: Use of undeclared identifier 'color_1'

GLSL linker error: ERROR: One or more attached shaders not successfully compiled

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 392

Uniform screenSizeInv not found.
GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 410

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 410

arm/MyTrait.hx:19: Suzanne spawned!
GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 209

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 209

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 209

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 209

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 209

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 209

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 209

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 209

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 209

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 209

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 209

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 209

GL Error 1286 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/OpenGL.cpp 341

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 209

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 209

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 209

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 209

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 209

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 209

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 209

GL Error 1282 /Users/lubos/Downloads/armorcore/Kinc/Backends/Graphics4/OpenGL/Sources/Kore/PipelineStateImpl.c 209