NLA Modifiers... (and some other stuff)

Someone got the NLA Modifiers working with Armory?
Always when I found something to think “Ok, if this works this actually would be cool to
justify fighting any longer through this mess” – of course it’s not working… lol.

Does someone know if they can be baked into the NLA itself or something?

Does Voxel AO actually work? Looks like it doesn’t do anything here.

Also also:
Someone managed to get NavAgents to collide with each other?
They seem to ignore each other and just run over themselves…


Ok, I answered the first part of my question already in 2 minutes myself…
You can bake NLA Modifiers and Functions to a new action and use this then.
This is pretty cool.

I think Armory purpose sounds like it “should” have ALL Blender functionalities, but this is not reachable even in years. Even BGE don’t have all Blender functionality (even UPBGE 0.3 don’t have all Blender functionality), because Blender have a lot of tools that are only for animation and other stuff purposes, many of them can be baked. Some tools would be very expensive to run in realtime and many of them we can’t see even in triple AAA engines. We need to keep in mind that more functionalities will introduce more work (imagine updating this things every time Blender updates). I think Armory is far from perfect, but considering its workflow in Blender i love it.

I miss a few things related to features for animation that is scale bones, IK, etc. Unfortunately these features need some deep knowledge to be done. There is advanced features to do specific things, but this things we can’t see even in AAA.

And about Voxel AO, it seems to not be working, but when i increase its quality the FPS drops a lot.

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I don’t really get what you’re saying.

The only Blender focused part of my question is,
like I said already, actually working,
(with one small additional step in between which is perfectly fine.)

The other two are armory specific, no?
Navmesh? Voxel AO?

So what does that mean --> “sounds like it should have ALL Blender functionality?”
As far as I can see half of Armory3d itself isn’t working correctly yet,
glitches out, underperforms or is flat out broken, or am I wrong?

(EDIT: That is not to say I don’t enjoy using it for some bizarre reason,
I still do…somehow… haha :wink: )


I said this things because you said about some “cool” Blender funcionality not working for Armory when you expect. Depending on the functionality maybe you should open a feature request if there is not one open yet. But don’t be frustrated when the feature is not avaiable yet, i have almost sure that every feature in Blender must be created from scrath to be in Armory.

The voxel AO and navmesh are Armory specific, and by what i know both features are broken currently (navmesh works but i see some weird things related to the object rotation).

I don’t think there is too much bugs in Armory at least for what i had done until now, i don’t had touched in animations yet.

Sorry, i didn’t see the part talking about NavMesh. There is some issue in github referecing it, if i remember correctly it is called “support navmesh crowds”.

Best regards :slight_smile:


I miss a few things related to features for animation that is scale bones, IK, etc. Unfortunately these features need some deep knowledge to be done. There is advanced features to do specific things, but this things we can’t see even in AAA.

Oh… I forgot. By the way, meanwhile right now in UE4.26 preview:

Animation and Characters Updates:

  • Fullbody IK Node (Experimental). For users who need to procedurally modify character poses at runtime, the Fullbody IK solver has been added. Based on Jacobian Pseduoinverse Damped Least Squares, the Fullbody IK Control Rig node has additional properties for controlling stiffness, bone limits, pole vectors, and other solver parameters.
  • Control Rig Inversion. New options have been added to the Control Rig editor.
    • Forward Solve: Add control manipulations to bones.
    • Backwards Solve: Apply incoming bone animation data.
    • Setup Event: Define> and control events.
  • Backwards and Forward Solve: Use a combination of both solving mechanisms, with Backwards Solve calculated first.


Sequencer Improvements:

  • Nonlinear Animation. This collection of features improves Sequencer tools to create, modify, join, and blend animation assets in order to quickly author new animation cinematics for virtual productions and games. This will reduce the need to use external tools for animation authoring and blending. These improvements include blending the root motion of skeletal animation sequences; joint matching for better blending and placement; skeleton animation preview for precise placement; and Control Rig FK / IK integration.
  • Quality of Life Improvements. There are many quality of life improvements in Sequencer this release, including UX/UI, pipeline, evaluation, and Take Recorder.

Oh, and they have a Blender “Send to Unreal” Plugin now as well…
No need to export/import anymore. Epic is moving fast man…

(Epic has also released an UE to Rigify(Blender) Plugin as well now.
AFAIK these are the first in a series of Blender Plugins they plan to release…)


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Indeed Armory suffers from Blender’s feature creep, since every feature that wants to be ported to Armory has to be re-done with a game engine perspective in mind.

Someone managed to get NavAgents to collide with each other?
They seem to ignore each other and just run over themselves…

Under the hood Armory delegates its navigation to Recast.js, a javascript port of Recast Navigation. Because of the expensive calculations for complex crowd management, web workers were used in the port to implement those features, which their support in Armory depends on the backend (Krom doesn’t support them currently), so the bindings (glue code from armory to the port) only contains the basic methods for path finding.