Read/Write Storage Node Crashes Armory [node connection image included.]



Perhaps you need to define the storage type and path ?
Armory need those options if they don’t exist.



“Armory need those options” doesn’t mean it has, i should make a request on GitHub.

Do you need writing storage for some game or for the docs ?


I mean those nodes are missing right ?
How do you tell Armory what file to create and use ?
How do you tell Armory to write to some lightweight database or to a file using the same interface ?


When you use Read and write storage to save your score, where it is stored ?
Do you know it ?
What drive , what file , what path ?

Should Armory need the ability to specify the drive, path and file name ?


I tried it several times, but only once (first time) the error printed was that read node was trying to access the path to the root directory “C:\user\duke\desktop\Armory testreadwrited/untilted.blend”
after that on every try, it just hanged.
