Armory for Archviz

I’ve been spending some time on trying to see how photorealistic and portable I could make a project in terms of making architectural visualizations. My goal was just to experiment deeper with cycles baking and see if I could come up with a workflow that would provide enough indoor light without noise and have baked PBR materials without looking flat like usual baked scenes.

Started out with a basic grey flat material and played around with the lights and tones in cycles until I found something I liked and baked it at 2K in a relatively short period (5-10 mins pr. texture (6)). Cycles baked textures are usually noisy, so I spent some time in photoshop working with various ways to remove the noise, did it in a few minutes through the use of batch processing and premade macros.

Overall I didn’t spend much time on it optimizing neither render settings nor UV maps (which are actually crammed in a sloppy way). I tried making an artsy-archviz video below that uses some Armory screen effects as well as some custom colorgrading shaders - although the lack of animation capture in Blender 2.8 forced me to render it with GeForce experience which caused the low quality + lag, but it was ok overall - Used a little Voxel AO in the video below, which ultimately turned unnecessary:

After a little more work with textures, the example is running just perfect in browser (desktop + phone), showing coming from concept to architectural visualization in Armory is a very small step by now (Deferred running on Firefox and Sony XZ2):

I’ll probably post some more archviz stuff in this thread as I progress :slight_smile:


Great stuff! Can’t wait to see more. :hushed:


This looks quite good, I look forward to see the continuation of this (keeping archviz in-blender would be nice…)

That’s beautiful! I would be super excited to see the HTML5 export of this :slight_smile:.