Report on resolved issues:Error occurs when press [F5] key

I no speak Americano.
I’m using Armory 0.6 for Win.

1.Save [p:\untitled.blend]
2.Press [F5] key
3.Error occurs

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “P:Armory_06_win64/Armory/armsdk//armory/blender\arm\”,
line 501, in execute
File “P:Armory_06_win64/Armory/armsdk//armory/blender\arm\”,
line 468, in play build(target=runtime_to_target(), is_play=True)
File “P:Armory_06_win64/Armory/armsdk//armory/blender\arm\”,
line 352, in build export data(fp, sdk_path)
File “P:Armory_06_win64/Armory/armsdk//armory/blender\arm\”,
line 157, in export_data write_data.write_compiledglsl(defs + cdefs,
File “P:Armory_06_win64/Armory/armsdk//armory/blender\arm\”,
line 450, in write_compiledglsl with open(arm.utils.build_dir() + ‘/compiled/Shaders/’, ‘w’) as f:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No Such file or directory: ‘build_untitled/compiled/Shaders/’

location: :-1

location: :-1

Save [P:\New Folder\untitled.blend] no problem.
Error saving when saving directly under drive.
No problem when creating and saving folders.

Try Updating/Reinstalling Armory, some files look like theyr’e missing/corrupted. :slight_smile:

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Sorry my English is no good.

Drive:\Filename …No good(Error occurred)
Drive:\Folder\Filename …good(No problem)

Thank you.

Looks like it might just be bug with the path handling. You could open up an issue on GitHub.

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Thank you for the advice.
I reported on GitHub.

I don’t think you should save and run armory directly in drive because it can mess things up because armory create files when you run it.

What it is trying to do is edit the file ( armory created but failed to do so because it can’t find that file.

Can you send screenshot of your drive after trying to run directly from drive?(You can blur stuffs)

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Thank you for the advice.
I will not save the armory file just below the drive in the future.
There was no [] file in the [Shaders] folder.