Well addressing your OP, if you want to see what is already available for nodes you can either look up the API and navigate to armory/logicnode to see what nodes are there, or you can also look up the sources of nodes directly.
Don’t forget that Armory is very early in development, so support for such things may be scarce or possibly none yet.
Though you are welcome to contribute it yourself to Armory. I don’t know how complicated is the stuff you listed but the source of Armory is open, so you can find various examples to guide the process. If you have questions, you can ask here in the forums to lessen the difficulty of the task.
What you are asking for should be really interesting to implement, and the creation of custom logic nodes is one of the better documented parts of the engine. So if you don’t do it before me, I may do it myself if I decided start contributing to Armory. (I am hardly considering it).
Simple, you can create custom logic nodes that do what you want, if you have the experience needed with Haxe of course, and then you could contribute them back to the engine.