Boolean and Inverse Node Cheat Sheet complete, hope this is useful for you


Node names are confusing without a doc.

For example i would rename the first “Is true” to “Trigger if True”,
or the “Branch” to “Trigger on value”.


What i mean is have better names, so people don’t need the doc to understand what is doing the node most of the time.


I just signed up to answer this. To understand the Node flow check how the Unreal Engine Blueprints work.

Some pins act as “execution flow” and they don’t transfer any values.

By the looks of it red pins are like that so when you link True to Condition it won’t work.

True must be linked to In and then you need to insert additional logic to the Condition.

But in this specific case it will be redundant because the Gate is acting similarly to a While loop.

I would connect x++ to True and remove the While loop. The Gate will be open and increment x until it gets to 9 and then close.

I’m not familiar with Armory/Blender nodes so I’m not sure of what can you put there, maybe the “execution pins” guess is wrong too.