Good afternoon everyone. The example on the site and armory_examples-master does not work.
I believe that’s related to this active issue:
opened 08:43AM - 10 Nov 22 UTC
Soft physics cause a black screen.
**To Reproduce**
Create … a plane and add soft body or cloth physics to object
Blender: 3.3
Armory: 11/2022
OS: Windows 10
Graphics card: RTX 3080TI
**Test File**
**Error Log**
Trace: RuntimeError: memory access out of bounds
at fq (<anonymous>:wasm-function[1018]:0x897e1)
at b._emscripten_bind_btSoftBodyHelpers_CreateFromTriMesh_5 (eval at kha_Assets.loadBlobFromPath.fileName (unknown source), <anonymous>:220:509)
at yz.CreateFromTriMesh (eval at kha_Assets.loadBlobFromPath.fileName (unknown source), <anonymous>:586:304)
at armory_trait_physics_bullet_SoftBody.init (<anonymous>:7092:60)
at update (<anonymous>:8421:7)
at kha_TimeTask.task (<anonymous>:29083:4)
at Function.executeTimeTasks (<anonymous>:28966:76)
at Function.executeFrame (<anonymous>:28916:18)
at renderCallback (<anonymous>:29743:17)
Trace: RuntimeError: memory access out of bounds
at $v (<anonymous>:wasm-function[27]:0x42ad)
at <anonymous>:wasm-function[288]:0x22d48
at th (<anonymous>:wasm-function[1155]:0x90a3a)
at b._emscripten_bind_btDefaultMotionState_btDefaultMotionState_2 (eval at kha_Assets.loadBlobFromPath.fileName (unknown source), <anonymous>:121:483)
at new ez (eval at kha_Assets.loadBlobFromPath.fileName (unknown source), <anonymous>:447:306)
at armory_trait_physics_bullet_PhysicsHook.init (<anonymous>:5572:22)
at render (<anonymous>:8470:6)
at Function.render (<anonymous>:29601:4)
at renderCallback (<anonymous>:29744:14)
Note: I can reproduce the issues both on Windows 11 in the Krom Player, as well as in Firefox + Edge in the Browser Player.
November 15, 2022, 6:02am
I’m not sure, but maybe it’s an outdated blend file.
Similarly, a black screen occurs in the particle case example.
But if you copy all the objects from the example to a new scene, it starts working. I’ll try to check it.
About softbody I reported in discord. Apparently just not enough time and people to keep everything up to date.
UPD/ I checked - it’s not about the blend-file
All 5 particle demos work for me online in the browser. I didn’t test in the Krom player though.
November 15, 2022, 6:40pm
Yes. It’s about the particle_mesh in the KROM
Just tested, the particle mesh demo works for me in Krom player.
1 Like
November 15, 2022, 7:24pm
I don’t know what it was. But the scene downloaded from githab did not work (black screen).
But when I copied all the objects into a clean blender file - everything worked.