It there,
I noticed that when a project starts (in HTML5) you will get right before any 3d objects are rendered a very brief black flash popping before the game starts.
I checked various way with gl canvas background color, or making the all canvas transparent and there is no easy fix for this.
I would like to try to add a picture on top of everything until the game starts.
Is there a global variable or something that we can check that confirms that the game has started and all objects have been rendered?
Hi. I’m not sure if a loading screen checks if the whole scene is entirely rendered first, but perhaps a loading screen is what you’re looking for.
Preview the demo:
Download the demo:
The loading screen loads elements then the scene starts.
What I am trying to check is that the scene has been correctly rendered once started.
I played with this function :
but it does not seems to work correctly on HTML5
Did you find a workaround?
I’ve been spending days investigating this as well. It seems the background/sky is shown first before the scene is completely active. I have been using a black background with the Canvas to transition between scenes, but it doesn’t look right in html5.
Here’s a short gif demonstrating what I mean: