Koui | User interface framework for Armory and Kha

@kaiwas hello. To clarify, you are talking about Koui Logic Nodes? Not official Armory logic nodes? Please share some logs to help speed up the debugging process. Otherwise we have barely any information to work on to resolve the issue.

I assembled the scene at the end of 2020. The blender version was like 2.92.
But I already forgot how it worked.

You can download the scene from the link.

If you can’t download it, let me know and I’ll attach it to Google Drive

Thanks, yeah that was what I expected. I pushed a fix, it should hopefully work now :slight_smile:


Super! Thank you! it remains to remember that all this construction was done :smile: :smile: :smile:


Hey, does all nodes work? It is possible to create for example GridLayout and add elements to it just by nodes? Nodes are there, but to do it how? Is possible to download Example project for Aromory so i can learn from it?

Hi, the nodes should work (if not please let me know), but they only cover a small part of Koui’s Haxe API. For example, there are no layout nodes yet, so I’m afraid creating a GridLayout with nodes is not possible at the moment. If you need it for a project, I can try to implement a GridLayout node later today or tomorrow.

Also, there is no example file using Koui nodes at the moment, but feel free to create one :slight_smile:

Its a shame these Koui nodes was not updated i think for 2 years? It can be great tool and alternative to Zui for nonprogrammers.

What im trying to achive is to make nice tooltip for inventory or player skills which appear while hovering on some item for example, always with the same layout, just text and color of the text will change. Something like this:

I dont need this right now, but i want to have finished vertical slice of my game at the end of february. If you can do this it will be great! Thank you


you can open my scene for tests.
But I made it more than two years ago, and I forgot everything. So I can’t give you any tips.)
You can download it by following this link. I hope you can figure it out Houses_scene.zip — Яндекс Диск


Added two new nodes Koui: GridLayout Add Element and Koui: Expander Add Element. For your use case, using an expander layout is probably the better choice as it automatically expands with its content.

I’m rather limited in time so I didn’t implement the most polished nodes ever (e.g. you need to specify the expander direction as a string instead of using a custom socket with a predefined set of enum values), but it should do the work for now :slight_smile:

In order to be able to add an expander layout, you will have to execute the “Replace Deprecated Nodes” operator once (use F3 if your mouse cursor is over the node editor) in order to update already existing Koui: New Element nodes.


Ok thanks. @timodriaan