Maybe it's bugs

Win 10
gtx 1050ti

Glossy material does not work

The wheels are shifted at high speed

If the material name is written in Russian, blender failure.

Also when Publish -> Windows ->
Exporting asset 1 of 1 (mesh_TextBase.001.arm).
Exporting asset 1 of 1 (armory_default.arm).
Compiling shader 1 of 1 (BaseTextMat_mesh.frag.glsl).
Compiling shader 1 of 1 (BaseTextMat_mesh.vert.glsl).
Compiling shader 1 of 1 (BaseTextMat_shadowmap.frag.glsl).
error X4530: pixel shader must minimally write all four components of COLOR0
error X4530: pixel shader must minimally write all four components of COLOR0

Shader compiler error.
Build failed, check console

It’s bugs! Thanks for report, noting it down.