My 3D adventure fighting game

what Sandy said …or make the camera come closer when you are trying to “collide” it with walls like many games do, the problem is it’s tricky to get it right. Other than that, closer to shoulder camera or design the maps and environments in such a way so that the camera doesn’t have that problem and you simply deal with corner cases in some way or another…


I extended the map :slight_smile:

I scripted my camera to be suited for 3d combat but i still need to improve it . Yes, just notify the camera when walking on that x floor, or that y level and make it closer to shoulder or not.


My game running in UPBGE eevee. (crashes all the time )

I will test now with Armory :slight_smile:

My game so far. Added features

More to come.

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good old 90’s battle end scene. :slight_smile:


" The last reply to this topic was over 2 years ago . " omg …

anyway, back on track . One day, maybe, i will switch to Armory

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