My Thinkpad T400 is having trouble with the HTML5 demos (could be a Linux driver issue, i only have mesa, I think) and it would be nice to know if it is an HTML5/Firefox issue or my browser really is this slow.
For Linux an AppImage might be best, which may or may not be worth the extra work.
All demos don’t even have to be ported, just one thorough one, that showcases all features, after all, a native download is not expected to be that small.
i’m not Linux expert but i plan to use Linux soon.
From a quick search it seems that your laptop use the Intel® GMA 4500 MHD GPU with shared VRAM and in Linux the OPENGL supported is 2.1.
Do you have the possibility to test other browsers?
Could you update Mesa driver?
Could you increase the shared VRAM?
I think the area of testing build targets and such would be a great area for those wanting to help the engine volunteer their time.
I am not sure if @lubos is ready for us to do that. I too am anxiously awaiting that time. I know for me it was one of the first things I status checked. I had a lot of failures too. But decided not to press until engine was a little more finished. Not sure if this is the best way to go, but I got the feeling he wanted to first get the engine done then work on polishing build targets as Kha and stuff has a lot of that covered and so does haxe. Though perhaps if enough of us could help, and a checklist was given to us we might be able to do both as the commits come in.
Finally making progress on this - Krom can be used to package native apps now (kind of similar to Electron, does not rely on webgl and can access gpu features natively, no perf penalty for ‘running in a browser’).
Want to do native demo using Krom since that’s exactly what is running in the viewport and is probably closest to show what performance/compatibility to expect when working with Armory. But may do classic C++ builds too, probably wouldn’t hurt.
Also want two more demos for Android/iOS, so one might check how it runs on his mobile device. New docs on getting the default cube running on mobile will be up by next build.