The projects short-term goal is to develop a game demo that show-cases Armory comp-abilities. There buy also fixating the engines shortcomings and flaws to produce a full quality product, there by helping Armory to evolve and thrive. The demo also will (hopefully) attract more ppl, having trust in what it can deliver. Long term goal is use demo to start a camp-again in Kickstarter or IndyGogo and develop full game with salaries and stuff. But that’s very far away to speak of it now, so right now we work for free in our spare time.
We are looking out for:
Concept artist(s)
We have lot’s of concepts, story board and serious intentions. For more details please contact me on Armory discord #general chat by name trsh#0593.
No way! I’m excited to see that somebody is doing this even if it is early and still in planning phase. It’s great that you have a plan and that you are motivated to work on it and try to do big things.
I’ll move this to Offtopic until there is something to Showcase.
I am in it, of cource there are 6 people but like trsh said only me, @trsh and @BrahRah are active and other 3 people are all newbie, so it will take sometime and we are in just planning pharse, we are missing concept artist and someone experience with rigging and stuff, that why we decided to ask if anyone is interested to come and join.
Like SB is saying, i will explain a bit more about project. We are focused on graphics more than anything, ofcource there will be gameplay too. We are making demo situated in future, meaning we will need more artist(with skill).
As for gameplay, we are using puzzle category, like player will be fixing ship and complete objectives.
This is what I can say so far, with enough contribution we can hopefully move forward.
Of course thing may change, but like explain above, futurism in graphics, and puzzle in gameplay is core project and can be taken further if we can.
For design you just need people to gather references and mix them when needed
Someone needs to define the game context writing it, for example :
A planet looking like earth, but with some alien ruins and puzzles
And one or two creatures to get rid off with melee combat to let you explore and gather materials or components.
Gameplay is first person
climbable walls
swimming underwater
collect materials or objects
display inventory, can put object from inventory to hands
display player status
player objects
melee fight with a wrench or futurist melee weapon
ranged lazer low rate do low damage , mainly used to trigger distant
some pacific creatures walking around, some big flying far
hostile melee creature, some flying big flying insect
interior , exterior design
They may change but a little, you can’t start working on the demo, and later decide , it’s not more futurist, it’s medieval with new gameplay.
I think a small exploration outdoor planet with different linear path would
look lot more interesting than interior ship only.
What is not compatible is those :
This one is a short work , no need to make something very complete , no need for gameplay , what matters is graphics complexity and good look, it does not need to be a game, it could be a walk through.
It doesn’t need more than one level, or hundred 3D models and materials.
This one is graphics showcase, no gameplay, and demonstrate graphics capabilities.
This one is very different way you work with people, and someone need to be the leader that creates the company and make the contracts for other people working on the game.
Money is involved with kickstarter is not just making a demo.
I’m not sure it’s a good idea , having people work in the project and transform it into a kickstarter commercial project.
Anyone that made some work on the demo and not participating on the kickstarter to make a full game, can claim any time any work they made on the demo and claim money.
You could have legal issues.
Sorry. But no managing positions are available :)) … we are doing stuff you are talking about and more. P.s. Mixing design is cool if you don’t care about originality, etc.
@MagicLord, again can you please stop pointing out every flaw you see in what someone wants to do that isn’t how you would do it. All of what you said about legal issues can be solved with a simple NDA and if they would be using a NDA that would show you crap on a public board. You are not the be all and end all of ideas. They have the right to ask and if someone want to talk to them they can.
There was no reason to ask them in the manor you did. No, no not everyone would need to see their work to be interested. No they don’t have to show their work to you or anyone in a public forum to ask for help. You have even less right to demand it for other people. This falls into the if you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything category since they are not trying to change Armory or your work in any way.
Well … good luck with your project, i hope you’ll succeed making something that demonstrates Armory capabilities and that will contribute to make Armory very popular, and shows it’s the best indie 3D engine.
Alright so ive managed to read through the content of your project and so far im impressed even though there are no visuals for it, however i may contribute to the project later in the year once i organize myself on my side to do Game Art and Environmental Design right inside Armory.
I’ll keep up to date with everything going on in this project and when the time is right i’ll showcase some stuff you guys can use and ultimately share the files with you guy’s on this project.
(I Understand Armory is in its early days no need to put pressure on building something overly ambitious, id say do anything thats possible with what Armory can at this point in its Development and later on expand this Game project and make it what it aspires to become)
i see a great concept here, and being a space boy fan as well id be happy to contribute something atleast abit later on as i havent done anything in Armory as yet.