A separate resources category would be nice. Cause there is nowhere to post that kind of stuff, except off-topic where the posts might not get the attention they deserve. Also for the sake of tidiness. Unfinished games, experiments, Links like Quaternius.com, openclipart.org, zapsplat.com, freesound.org etc. might get a retrievable home.
Free stuff only in order to prevent spam and ads. Posts include a link to the applicable licensing if possible. No limit to the scope, cause Armory3D can be used in many ways.
People visit resource places not only once, if they are good. This will get this forum a few hits more.
Please post your opinions. Supportive ones preferred 
Maybe this could be linked to on the main website, so regular users and newbies could feel drawn in and invited to make something, rather than just simply challenged to “git gud, scrub” or “just figure it out yourself.”
On the other hand, we don’t want to let it slip into coddling and pandering; it isn’t “for regular people” and development is not tailored specifically you.
Having a good balance between noob and developer in who can easily use and take advantage of Armory3D and its potential.
Thanks for making the section! This will help a lot!
Excellent idea.
I’ve included this in my personal website development roadmap and the link should be included by the end of the month, if not sooner (have a lot of catching up to do because of the holidays).
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Cool! The biggest hurdle I’ve encountered to using a game engine (aside from having to learn a coding language and the engine-specific parameters you can use) is not having any decent resources to do something with. It’s like a sandbox with no toys…or sand; just a bucket and shovel. The only (then-free) engine that was basically completely usable out of the box was the 001 Engine (or engine001), which was a 2D-in-a-3D-environment engine that had customizable sprites and asset categories. Anyways, I could gush about it and how it was much better than its shady “I-could-get-a-cyber-STD”-looking hole-in-the-wall website (at the time) made it seem, but the takeaway is that it was usable because you had existing assets that you could customize pre-packaged with it. Having a clear link to a forum category where users can easily find assets and suggestions on how to easily get them working in Armory would be a good step towards giving people a slightly similar experience. (God, I loved that engine)
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Hi. The website now has a link to the forum category.
In the future, I’d like to go a step further and create a separate/new webpages section for tutorials/resources, but for the time being, the simplest way is as a link in the navbar. Feel free to throw anymore suggestions or ideas out. 

It looks beautiful. I don’t have anything to add, since your stated roadmap already covers what I would have maybe suggested.
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