I am trying out Armory3D for the first time and was testing out the available templates like archery, race track etc.
When i tried to compile it for mobile , I get the following information.
1 error occurred during compilation
Please open console to get more information
The console message just says the following;
C:\ArmorySDK2306\armsdk/nodejs/node.exe C:\ArmorySDK2306\armsdk/Kha/make android-hl -g opengl --shaderversion 300 --parallelAssetConversion 4 --to build_race_track --quiet
Finished in 24.073s
ERROR: Build failed, check console
How can i troubleshoot this? The preferences are updated with the path to Android SDK, Armory SDK too.
I create a default cube scene and compiled for krom and rendered with desktop and mobile.
However, build for Android with armory exporter failed with error: build failed, check console.
I just tried with a default cube example, but could not reproduce this issue. Could you please share your test file. Maybe some parameters are set different…
Would be good to know if anyone else could reproduce this issue.