Good morning, I am currently making a project which has the view controls of a fsp, for these controls the mouse cursor disappears, and I need an object to interact when the cursor passes over or near it.
Is it possible to make an object change color or perform an action just by looking at it or hovering near it, or can you make the cursor appear again just by looking at the object or hovering near it?
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Thank you very much, the example you show me does work, but if in set cursor state I replace the on init with mouse:left it doesn’t work and this is the way I need it to work, because I need a 360 view, and with the example you gave me das only lets me see what the cursor can go on the screen
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no, sorry, I just did another test and if it works, I don’t know why it didn’t work before, but now it does, thank you very much for the help
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