[SOLVED] Spawning instance crashes Krom with strange JS-StackTrace


package arm;
import iron.Scene;
import iron.object.Object;

class Spawner extends iron.Trait {

	var instance:iron.object.Object;

	public function new() {

		notifyOnInit(function() {
			// some poor code I lazily copied from somewhere else
                    // instead of doing it myself from scratch... 

ends up in this:

==== JS stack trace =========================================

Security context: !
    0: builtin exit frame: concat(this=!,!,!)

    1: createTraits [0x36926c3aa891] [!:~7763] [pc=0x143bc52a478a](this=A,!,A)
    2: /* anonymous */(aka /* anonymous */) [0x36929e993801] [!:~8440] [pc=0x143bc529ddb7](this=!,A)
    3: createObject [0x36928dcb7379] [!:~8224] [pc=0x143bc529b04e](this=A,1,1,*0x3692590801b1 <null>,*0x3692590801b1 <null>,A)
    4: spawnObjectTree(aka spawnObjectTree) [0x36929e9935a1] [!:~819...

# Fatal javascript OOM in Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit

EDIT: Nevermind, this was just a parenting problem… Anyways:
I didn’t pay attention… All good.