Hi i run examples for iron - it make build for HTML5 as i understood but when i try to open iron_examples-master\edit\build\debug-html5/index.html it show empty screen.
so what platforms supported for now.
and second questions is: iron support bones animataded personages?
All platforms supported by Kha should work - check System targets in Kha wiki.
If it works inside Kode Studio but not when you open index.html file - the reason is you need to start a local server and navigate to http://localhost:8080(port number) instead of opening the file directly.
To start a local server you could do ‘node /path/to/Kha/make --server’ from command line, and keep it running in background.
Alternatively, you can upload the project to a web server like you would when you publish it online (github pages work well).
There is support for bones but requires more work - already got plenty of problems reported. Once it gets more mature I will make sure to also provide an example in the Iron repository.