Armory 0.5 is out!

Hi, thanks for your answer.

First of all, the Armory Digest is posted every quarter year because it takes a lot of time to create for @Naxela. We’re all people who work in their free time. However, its not true that that the latest Armory Digest was released 4 months ago, two weeks ago the new issue was published: [Armory Digest] - December 2020. I agree that there could be more advertisement for it, maybe we should include a link to it on the Armory readme which is very … minimalistic at this time.

@Naxela what do you think of a small monthly post here in the forum with the latest additions to Armory? If you have no time I could do that (even though I’m not sure if I will have time each month), it would just summarize/explain the most important commits and maybe show some screeshots.

I get that the link to the commits is not particularly helpful to a non-programmer, but it gives you at least some overview about i) how much happened and ii) what happened (the commit titles are not always as descriptive as they should be maybe, but at least you get some information).

You’re right that missing support from the main developer is a big problem, there are parts of the engine where we contributors are lacking experience and knowledge, and sometimes you have to annoy Lubos a bit with mentions to get answers from him about some details. But what is very important to say, even if it’s not what one want to hear: it is a free open source project and there is no entitlement at all to get updates from Lubos. This describes it very well:

Just because someone open sources something does not imply they owe the world a change in their status, focus and effort, e.g. from inventor to community manager.

The progress is slow but there is progress and that’s important. Again, we’re all people who do this for fun in our free time, it’s not about being on par with Godot or Unity. Those are engines with a big team and a big community behind them so they’re not really comparable with Armory at this point of time.

I’m glad that you give Armory a try and I totally understand your standpoint (you said a lot of very true things), and because you said you were a BGE user (me too), there is also the UPBGE Blender fork which you could check out, its main developer is very active.