I’m using Blender 2.81a and Armory 2019.12.0 and when I hit play I just get a black screen, the weird thing is all of my previous programs run.
If I start a new blender file and save it with the default cube and hit play I get the black screen. If I take one of my old working files and make a copy of the project and delete everything and just place a default cube and hit play it runs.
Hi Brian, can you post the console log that appears when you hit play?
If you’re running blender on Windows you can open the console by clicking Window > Toggle System Console.
Also, where did you get the latest version from? was it from the official download page? or from the addon page (in Blender preferences) with the “Download SDK” button?
Trace: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘hxBytes’ of undefined This type of error happen when krom can’t parse file properly. Here it look like it can’t parse mesh. In that case try clean building or remove default cube and re-add it.
kha.js:731 kha/graphics4/PipelineState.hx:111: Warning: Sampler tex not found.
kha.js:23558 The AudioContext was not allowed to start. It must be resumed (or created) after a user gesture on the page. https://goo.gl/7K7WLu
kha_audio2_Audio.initContext @ kha.js:23558
:8040/favicon.ico:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (File not found)
:8040/build_untitled/debug/html5/World_irradiance.arm:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (File not found)
kha.js:731 Sources/iron/data/Data.hx:347: {
url : World_irradiance.arm
I went back to Blender 2.8 and Armory 2019.10.0 and the same thing happens, I start Blender, save the file and hit play and I get a black screen. I can open older files and they will show up when hitting play even if they were not Armory specific files (with the Armory shader, nodes attached, etc.) so weird.
Can someone try starting a new blender file, saving it and hitting play to see if it compiles and works?