Hello everybody! I thought it would be useful to create an Armory community survey so that we could get an idea of what people use Armory for, what people need the most, etc., and I wanted to open a discussion to decide what kind of questions that we want in the survey. @lubos you might be interested in what goes into the survey being that you are the main developer.
Once we get the list of questions that we want in the survey, I’ll create an anonymous survey and publicize the results for the community.
Comment if you have any ideas for helpful questions.
Survey Questions
I’ll update this list as we come up with questions. I’m open for discussions on anything in this list. Each heading represents a question group.
How did you find Armory3D? – Text area
What other engines do you use or have you used? – Multi-select: with other text area
How long have you been using Armory?
What version of Armory do you use? – Multi-select: with other text area
What operating system do you use primarily? – Radio button
What platform(s) do you want to target with Armory? – Multi-select
Using Armory
How would you rate Armory3D’s user experience ( not counting bugs and errors )? – Star rating
How would you rate Armory’s learning curve? – Sad/happy face slider
What kind of improvements could make Armory easier to use? – Text area
What do you use or plan on using Armory for? – Mult-select: with other text area
What do you program Armory with? – Checkboxes: Haxe, Logic Nodes
What have you made with Armory ( if anything )? – Text area
Future Development
What is your favorite thing about Armory? – Text area
What is the biggest obstacle(s) that keeps you from getting the most out of Armory? – Text area
What new features would you most want to see in Armory? – Text Area
What areas in Armory do you feel needs the most work? – Text Area
I like @BlackGoku36’s list. I would just like to split which area we’d like to see more development in, into what new features we’d most like to see, and which current areas we’d like to see improved and made more stable.
It could also be useful to ask what skills people would enjoy using to contribute to Armory.
Here are the questions that I’ve added to the survey ( sorry for the bad formatting ). If that looks good to everybody, I’ll start the survey tomorrow.
446 1 howDidFind How did you find Armory3D? Long free text Introduction
471 1 uxRating How would you rate Armory3D’s user experience ( not counting bugs and errors )? 5 point choice Using Armory
493 1 favoriteThings What are your favorite things about Armory? Long free text Furthur Development
494 2 biggestObstacles What is the biggest obstacle(s) that keeps you from getting the most out of Armory? Long free text Furthur Development
447 2 otherEngines What other engines do you use or have you used? Multiple choice Introduction
472 2 learningCurve How would you rate Armory’s learning curve? 5 point choice Using Armory
473 3 uxImprovements What kind of improvements could make Armory nicer or easier to use? Long free text Using Armory
448 3 howLongUsing How long have you been using Armory? List (radio) Introduction
495 3 newFeatures What new features would you most want to see in Armory? Long free text Furthur Development
485 4 dimensions What kind of games do you want to make? Multiple choice Using Armory
490 4 withTeam Do you work alone or with a team? List (radio) Introduction
496 4 documentationNeeds What tutorial or documentation do you need most? Long free text Furthur Development
491 5 teamSize How many people are in your team? List (radio) Introduction
474 5 gamepayType What kind of gameplay do you use or plan on using Armory for? Multiple choice with comments Using Armory
492 6 comercial Do you plan on using Armory commercially? Yes/No Introduction
475 6 programWith What do you program Armory games with? Multiple choice Using Armory
478 7 madeWithArmory What have you made with Armory ( if anything )? Long free text Using Armory
454 7 armoryVersion What version of Armory do you use? Multiple choice Introduction
460 8 operatingSystem What operating system do you use primarily? List (radio) Introduction
461 9 targetPlatform What platform(s) do you want to target with Armory? Multiple choice Introduction
Sure, I don’t expect an alpha to be stable. We’re asking about future features and UI improvements. Fixes will be as important as either to completing games. It makes sense to know which would benefit the community the most.
This isn’t about demanding that Lubos fixes any one thing now. Lubos has been fixing bugs though. This is about helping him and other devs to know where their efforts can bring the most benefit to the most users.
I would suggest that this question specifically asks people to just nominate an area of Armory though (ie rendering, performance, armatures, particles etc) and not specific pet GitHub issues.
I was initially thinking that that would go in the “What is the biggest obstacle for you?” question, but I think you have a good point. I’ll add that in.
You think that should be a single choice with comment question? I wansn’t sure if doing multiple choice was a good idea because then you could easily just click all of them.
I would have it as a text entry with a note to enter general areas of armory and not specific issues. If we go with single/multiple choice, then there’s a strong chance that we may miss completely an area we hadn’t thought to define.
For example, I wouldn’t generally have thought of “rotations” as a section of a game engine, however I do see a lot of people running into - and filing- different issues around how Armory currently files rotations. The same is true for armature actions. Who knows what other areas multiple people are currently suffering through in silence?
This way, if it fits into an existing category, it is easier to view statistical survey results, but if you have your own section, then you just select other. You can specify a comment, for any category you select.
I don’t see any real problem with checkboxes. I mean if anyone does choose to tick every single box, it doesn’t actually influence which area(s) come first / second / third etc, anyway. And it does allow for more accuracy where there’s a bunch of people who do care about a couple of areas equally.