I applied the "CameraTexture" from Bundled to a camera and click play, the screen is blank. What does it do?

I applied the “CameraTexture” from Bundled to a camera and click play, the screen is blank.
What does it do and where do you set the textures but what does it do ?

I’m not sure, but if I understand the code correctly, it overrides the texture of an object to display what the camera is displaying (rendertarget) - I’m not sure, but I think if you apply it on an object (plane? perhaps UV map it first), then it should perhaps show what the camera is showing?

I’m not able to test it atm, but there’s an example file here: https://github.com/armory3d/armory_examples/tree/master/camera_texture

Hope it helps :slight_smile:

Ok, I unwrapped a cube, and then apply the “Camera Texture” bundled script to it and click play.
The whole screen just went blank.
Nothing :frowning:

Ok, so I realize it needs to know “which” camera to use as texture…under the “Parameters” tab, I click the plus icon and type “Camera” in which is the name of the camera.

When I click play…still blank…how come ?

Works fine on my end - Could you check the following?:

  • Written the camera name in a string, i.e. “Camera” rather than just Camera
  • UV’mapped the cube
  • Made a diffuse material with an available (empty) image texture slot in it?

Thank you Naxela, I forgot the very last step that you have mentioned !

Should not it replace all materials in camera view, But it only replace material it is applied to for me.